Christy was my very first friend in Seattle. We met at work, The Hampton Inn & Suites. At first I thought she was a snotty little wench. She changed my opinion very quickly. I cannot hear The Adicts without thinking of her. This is one of our favorites.
I actually saw Barry Manilow in concert Friday September 17, 1999. My friend Christy & I went with one of her co-worker's. At first I was like really? You want me to go to a Barry Manilow concert?
To my surprise I would have to say it was one of my favorite concerts. He was a fantastic performer and very entertaining. Naturally he closed the show with Copacabana.
This song has a way of making you happy. No matter how silly it may be.
D'Neeka thank you for my first challenge. If memory serves me well I'm pretty sure we danced around my living room to this song while everyone else was watching the fireworks on the 4th of July. Awww... Memories.
So I posted on my facebook for my friends to give me songs or groups to get my creative juices flowing. I will be posting songs with stories attached so you will see posts to go along with this. I hope it's a fun as I think it can be.
Jenny Lewis is my heart. This is from her recent collaboration with her boyfriend Johnathan Rice. From their record Jenny & Johnny 'I'm Having Fun Now'
My love for George Michael, I don't think has been kept a secret. In my opinion 'Praying for Time' is one of the greatest songs ever written.
I had a chance to finaly see George live a couple of years ago and it was amazing. He was absolutely flawless. Here is a stunning version of the song recorded at 'Abbey Road'
John Waters is one of my favorite Directors. In 1990 he released his musical gem 'Cry-Baby'. When my niece Marsha Jo and Sister-in-law Tiffany and I discovered the joy of Cry-Baby it infected our lives. When Marsha was pregnant with her oldest daughter Sabrina, we started our tradition.
We would make 'Cry-Baby' Caramel popcorn and watch our movie at least 3 or 4 times in one sitting. We could and can re-site the entire film.
We love Cry-Baby and each-other so much, that we all got matching tattoos on our left ankles to remind us how we are always a part of each-other. We may not always say it and times may be rough in our lives and we may seem distant.
All I need to do is look at my ankle and I know that these two girls are a part of me forever!
What is the first thing a Cry-Baby-Girl learns? Our bazooms are our weapons!
Erasure, is the reason that Shane is one of my very best friends. Let me take you back to that day in 1989. We were in Honor Choir and Miss Wenner was tired of Heather and I making so much noise that she separated us. She made the mistake of sitting me next to Shane.
In those days you showed your coolness by writing your favorite bands names on your note books. I noticed Shane had Erasure written on his. From that day forward we started our journey on being life-long friends. Up until that point I only had girlfriends. Shane was my very first guy-friend. My mother was as pleased as punch.
21 years later and we are still as close as ever. Thank you Erasure. I chose this song because it reminds me of the day Shane and I ditched school to drive to Showlow to Wal-Mart to get the cassette tape of 'Wild'. We did that on more than one occasion.
I will leave you today with my final post from Stacy Dupree one of the vocalists from 'Eisley' - her amazingly haunting rendition of 'Fleetwood Mac's' - Silver Springs.
I Found Sons & Daughters by accident. I don't even remember how. I'm still in the 'getting to know you' stage. However, I am absolutely in love with this song!
Duncan has recently released a small little EP - 'Covers 80s' With songs from Tears for Fears, Depeche Mode and The Cure. Here is my favorite of the 5 taken from The Cure's 'The Head on the Door'
I am so in love with Adele. Her new record '21' will be released in the US February 22 (2 days after my birthday). I have been wanting new material from her since about 5 minutes after '19' was released.
I wore that record out and I cannot wait to wear this one out as well.
So often I am asked to recommend new artists, favorite songs and so forth. So I decided I would start my own music blog. With this I hope to achieve the simple fact that my love of music will inspire and make others aware of how much amazing music is really out there....